It was a good run! This blog will cease to exist at the close of business on Monday.
This blog is coming to an end. Since May 9, 2007, we have done much to advance our goal of increasing knowledge of special education law among people who are involved in special education.
Thank you to the adults and children with disabilities who have followed us. Thank you to the parents, teachers, administrators and staff who have enjoyed this space. Thank you to the lawyers and advocates who represent parents and districts who have complimented us. Thank you to the rating services that gave us awards {like best education blog on the internet!} and other positive reviews. Thank you to the scholars, academics and other experts who have cited us in law reviews, textbooks and other works. Thank you to those of you who came up to me at conferences and meetings and said that you enjoyed the blog. Thank you to all of our readers.
As a part of this effort, we also started Special Education Law Groups on Facebook and a LinkedIn . Some people misused the groups by posting inappropriate language or attacking individuals or trying to peddle your books or services. I tied to eliminate those things when brought to my attention. But for the most part the “archived” Facebook group members and the 28,000 plus members of the LinkedIn group were well behaved. Thank you for that.
Along the way, stuff happened. We twice got to interview various Assistant Secretarys of OSERS. We were quoted in the influential SCOTUS blog. We once referred to Section 504 as the redheaded stepchild of special education, on the other hand, and had to apologize to both redheads and stepchildren. We had some perilous travel experiences. We had the awesome experience of witnessing live oral argument at the U. S. Supreme Court in a special education case. We ran a number of periodic series of posts on bullying, special ed law 101, and IDEA procedural safeguards, among others. We analyzed law review articles and high court decisions. A lot of stuff happened.
At the end, we tried to sell the blog and related enterprises. Lack of time and technical expertise eventually caught up with us and prevented us from processing the offers of some interested persons. So instead of living on, this blog and the groups and related items will cease to exist at the close of business on Monday. Thanks for the interest; it just didn’t work out.
So to all of our readers- thanks for everything! It has been a good run! I will miss you.
Who better to play us out than B. B. King and some very impressive friends?